Integrate Policy and General Objectives


Silvestre Silva Group (Transportadora Ideal do Bairro de Alcântara, Lda. and Repnunmar - Logística e Trânsitos, Lda.) is committed to ensuring and respecting the Quality, Environmental and Safety policy and objectives.



Present efficient, competitive and combined solutions in terms of Transport, Logistics and Transit, promoting the satisfaction of customers, as well as other interested parties, taking into account economic, social, environmental and safety aspects.
Based on our values, GSS assumed the commitments as described below.


In this regard, it undertakes to:

  • Comply with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements in force, as well as other subscribed requirements, whether environmental, social, safety, or other plans of its responsibility to society.
  • Promote and support awareness, guidance and commitment, in the sense of making everyone responsible, with the company's employees in the implementation of the GSS policy, actively involving them in this process and ensuring the dissemination of its main results to all agents involved.
  • Develop the competence and motivation of employees in view of the business objectives, in terms of quality, safety, hygiene and health at work, the environment and food safety.
  • Make relevant resources available for the implementation of the GSS policy in the business and the continuous improvement of the integrated management system, not neglecting the opportunities and risks associated with its internal and external context.




Formalization of a Integrated Management System comprising a set of organizational procedures capable of ensuring that all activities take place in a controlled manner (policy, objectives, responsibilities, communication channels and follow-up actions). Prioritize multidisciplinary group work and interpersonal relationships. Implementation of specific techniques for quality control and management.


  • Clients satisfaction.
  • Leadership.
  • Satisfying and complying with other interested parties' requirements.
  • Positive attitudes from all employees.
  • Effective communication.
  • Continuous improvement of all processes.
  • Compliance with Customer and applicable regulatory requirement.



Define and implement measures to minimize the environmental impacts resulting from the activity in line with objectives and targets defined and reviewed on a regular basis, taking into account the most significant environmental aspects, measuring and evaluating the results obtained to continuously ensure their effectiveness.

Continuously improve the integrated management system with to promote the environmental performance of the company, implementing good environmental practices in order to prevent pollution, reduce waste produced, atmospheric emissions and energy consumption, rationally using natural resources, thus reducing the adverse effects resulting from the activity and protecting the surrounding environment.


Safety And Health At Work

Provide the necessary resources to prevent professional risks, improve safety conditions in the performance of activities and monitor the health of employees, developing their skills and raising everyone's awareness of safety and health at work.
Ensuring the physical protection of people and material assets, preventing incidents and accidents in operational systems and safeguarding the confidentiality of professional secrecy.


Safety In The Goods Logistics Chain

Ensure that all stages of the distribution logistics of any goods, namely storage and transport, are carried out under appropriate conditions, in accordance with the safety specifications identified for and on the product, in particular, in the transport of medicines (compliance with the GDP – Good Distribution Practice).


Social Responsability

Promote a transparent relationship with stakeholders and society in general, assumed either through the previously expressed commitments, or through the development of targeted actions, in order to promote personal, professional and family development, information activities, awareness and/or solidarity, directed towards external entities with which we interact.



To successfully carry out this mission, it is essential to disseminate and share the following fundamental values:

Focus For The Customer

Exceeding customer expectations by providing value-added services supported by flexible, innovative and technologically advanced solutions.



Favor the sustained development of the organization through transparent, socially and ethically responsible leadership.



Guide the performance of the group and its employees with respect for colleagues, customers, suppliers and other interested parties, believing in the work capabilities of each one and defending the GSS values.



Base daily practice on professionalism, rigor in operations and transparency in relationships, placing the interest of the GSS above personal interest, in order to safeguard credibility and good institutional image.



We assume a position of responsibility and rigor, bearing in mind high standards of ethics and professional conduct, with personalized attention to our customers and other interested parties.



Ability to put ourselves in the shoes of the Client or others, anticipating and meeting their needs.



Ability to adapt to unexpected situations.



Sharing of information, promoting a frank relationship and a positive climate with our Customers and other interested parties.


Concern For The Safety Of The Logistics Chain

Safeguard and protect people and property, permanently, acting both at the level of prevention of acts of unlawful interference, as well as dealing with possible situations of risk or threat to security (Security).



Maintaining the quality of facilities, equipment and brands, ensuring the appreciation and respect of all, especially employees and dignifying their jobs.



Ensure the processing of personal data in accordance with the New Regulation on Personal Data (RGPD), Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016.


Human Rights

Since the protection and promotion of human rights is a main responsibility of governments, GSS companies also assume the responsibility of promoting and respecting them. Thus, respect for human rights is an integral and fundamental part of the values and principles of action of the GSS in all its activity, applying in the relationships it establishes with its Employees, Clients, Suppliers and other interested parties, whose activity must be rule by similar values.
GSS companies are committed to the development of their activity bearing in mind high standards of ethics and professional conduct, fully respecting internationally recognized human rights.

International Charter of Human Rights of the United Nations, which includes the following documents:

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
  • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
  • ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work and the eight fundamental conventions established by it.
  • Letter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the United Nations Global Compact Principles are also present in the GSS action.


Right To Work

The employee selection, management, promotion, remuneration and development policy are based on respect for people in their diversity, on equal opportunities and on non-discrimination based on gender, race, age, disability or any other circumstance, also guaranteeing qualification continuous and professional development of all employees, developing skills to perform dignified work tasks. The GSS thus acts in accordance with the legislation and labor regulations assuming as a commitment, considering article 24 of the CT:

  • Promotion of professional development and training.
  • Elimination of discrimination in employment.
  • Minimum remuneration that ensures the person's dignity, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable labor legislation.
  • Working hours that respect human rights and comply with applicable labor laws.
  • Respect for freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining.
  • Rejection of forced and child labor.



We maintain an attitude of due diligence in our relationship with third parties (interested parties), carrying out background/integrity verification procedures whenever is necessary within the scope of business expansion operations (merger, acquisition or others), as well as commercial relationships with customers, suppliers or others, for example, when hiring employees.

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